Книги автора Майкл Дж. Салливан

9 книг

Майкл Дж. Салливан - американский писатель в жанрах эпическая фэнтези и научная фантастика, ставший известным благодаря дебютной серии The Riyria Revelations, которая переведена на 14 языков. В 2012 году сетевой журнал io9 внес Майкла Дж. Салливана в список "Самые успешные самиздатовские авторы НФ и Фэнтази".

About the Author
Born in Detroit, Michigan, Michael J. Sullivan has lived in Vermont, North Carolina, and Virginia. He worked as a commercial artist and illustrator, founding his own advertising agency in 1996, which he closed in 2005 to pursue writing full-time. The Crown Conspiracy is his first published work. Michael currently resides in Fairfax, Virginia, with his wife and three children.

The Crown Conspiracy is the first of a six book series entitled the Riyria Revelations. This saga is neither a string of sequels nor a lengthy work unnaturally divided. Instead, the Riyria Revelations was conceived as a single epic tale told through six individual episodes. While a book may hint at building mysteries or thickening plots, these threads are not essential to reach a satisfying conclusion to the current episode—which has its own beginning, middle, and end.

Eschewing the recent trends in fantasy toward the lengthy, gritty, and dark, the Riyria Revelations brings the genre back to its roots. Avoiding unnecessarily complicated language and world building for its own sake; this series is a distillation of the best elements of traditional fantasy—great characters, a complex plot, humor, and drama all in appropriate measures.

While written for an adult audience the Riyria Revelations lacks sex, graphic violence, and profanity making it appropriate for readers 13 and older.

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