Книги автора Эдна Фрай

1 книг

Настоящее имя Дэвид Торн
Mrs Stephen Fry is a blogger, author and Shorty Awards winning comedy Tweeter who is best known for her "Mrs Fry's Diary". Edna Fry facetiously claims to be the wife of Stephen Fry and mother to their many children.

Edna claims on her Twitter feed that she is Stephen Fry's "poor, downtrodden wife & mother of his five, six or possibly seven kids." On November 1st 2011 that @Mrsstephenfry Twitter stats were:
125,168 - Followers
3,540 - Following
10,044 - Tweets
6,647 out of 11,125,532 - Twitter rank on Twitter Grader

In 2010 Edna won the second annual Shorty Awards for comedy. This award is presented for the Twitter community, by the Twitter community. Rather than attending the award ceremony in person, Edna sent a video message trimmed to the 140 characters permitted by Twitter

Edna Fry's first book is a catalogue of comedy tweets, recipes and anecdotes about her life with Stephen and their many offspring. The foreword is written by the more famous Stephen Fry, which has led to conjecture that Edna is the creation of Stephen himself, something that was strenuously denied on the @MrsStephenFry Twitter feed. The most notable example of this in a disagreement with British Newspaper, The Telegraph books where an outraged Edna called followers to action on 12 October 2010 "Lovely followers, tweet/email/bombard the Telegraph to confirm I am none other than Edna Constance Bathsheba Fry. Thank you, dears x x". The Telegraph later backed down publishing an amendment on their website.
Charity Work

Edna is the patron of the Fry's gig events. Two events in London hosting music and comedy performance by up and coming artists raised money for the mental health charity, Mind. Fry’s Gig New York was held on July 22, 2010 at Sullivan Hall in Greenwich Village. This event raised money for Housing Works, a local grassroots organization that combats the dual issues of HIV/AIDS and homelessness.

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