Книга Virtual Psychology

Virtual Psychology

Борис Кригер

1 ч. 17 мин.
Опубликовано: 27.12.21


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Аудиокнига Virtual Psychology - Борис Кригер

Replacing the psychologist with a computer, however strange it may be, can have a therapeutic effect because we invariably see in the psychologist a person who can judge us and experience disdainful feelings about our weaknesses. In many cases, the patient will not tell a real psychologist that which he reveals to a machine. Urges the patient feels are indecent and aggressive will be hidden from the psychologist until a trusting relationship is built. With a computer, the patient can feel more uninhibited, recognizing that the machine has no moral precepts and does not have the psychological constraints eventually observed in any human psychologist.

Чтец: Paul Stefano

Жанр: На иностранных языках

Язык книги: русский

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